Joint Powers Agreements in Ventura County

New filing requirements established under Senate Bill 1266 (McGuire) became effective January 1, 2017. The legislation amended the Joint Exercise of Powers Act to establish new reporting procedures in which certain joint power agencies and joint powers authorities are required to provide LAFCo their joint powers agreements no later than July 1, 2017, for joint powers agreements formed prior to January 1, 2017, and within 30 days after the effective date of the joint powers agreement or amendment to the agreement for joint powers agreements formed on or after January 1, 2017. Below is a list of the joint powers agreements that have been filed with Ventura LAFCo. Click on the hyperlinked name in the left column to view its agreement.

Joint Powers Agreements Name
Most Recent
Beach Erosion Authority for Clean Oceans and Nourishment (BEACON)
Sand management and environmental protection of beach, sand and shoreline resources.
The Cities of Carpinteria, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, San Buenaventura, and Santa Barbara; the County of Santa Barbara, and County of Ventura.
Black Gold Cooperative Library System
Provide services to public libraries.
Public libraries in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties.
California Enterprise Development Authority
Assist for profit and nonprofit corporations and other entities to obtain financing for projects and purposes serving the public interest
The City of Camarillo
Calleguas Creek Watershed Load Program
Management, funding and cost sharing for the Implementation of the Calleguas Creek Watershed total maximum daily load program.
Calleguas Municipal Water District; the Cites of Camarillo, Moorpark, Oxnard, Simi Valley, and Thousand Oaks; the County of Ventura, Ventura County Waterworks District No. 1, Camarillo Sanitary District, Camrosa Water District, U.S. Department of the Navy, California Department of Transportation, and the Ventura County Agricultural Irrigated Lands Group within the Calleguas Creek watershed.
Calleguas-Las Virgenes Public Financing Authority
Provide for the financing of Public Capital Improvements for Calleguas and Las Virgenes Municipal Water District.
Calleguas Municipal Water District and Las Virgenes Municipal Water District.
Camarillo Airport Authority
Oversee airport development and surrounding land use planning.
County of Ventura and City of Camarillo.
Camarillo Public Finance Authority
Provide for the financing or refinancing of public capital improvements for a local agency.
The City of Camarillo and the Camarillo Sanitary District.
Carpinteria Groundwater Sustainability Agency
Manage groundwater in the Carpinteria Groundwater Basin and develop, adopt, and implement the groundwater sustainability plan for the Basin.
Carpinteria Valley Water District, City of Carpinteria, Santa Barbara County Water Agency, County of Ventura.
Conejo Open Space Conservation Authority
Acquire, control, manage, conserve, and preserve open space; and coordinate planning efforts and land use policies for such open space.
The City of Thousand Oaks, and Conejo Recreation and Park District.
Cooperative Agreement for the Maintenance of Peach Hill Wash and Detention Basin within Tracts 4341 and 4342
Maintenance of Peach Hill Wash and Detention Basin within Tracts 4341 and 4342.
Ventura County Flood Control District (Ventura County Watershed Protection District) and the City of Moorpark.
Cooperative Agreement for Sharing of Data on the Calleguas Creek Watershed
Sharing data and information.
Ventura County Flood Control District (Ventura County Watershed Protection District) and the City of Moorpark.
Cuyama Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency
Manage all of the Cuyama Valley Groundwater Basin.
County of Kern, County of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara County Water Agency, and County of Ventura.
Gold Coast Transit (Formerly South Coast Area Transit)
Provide bus and paratransit service.
The Cities of Port Hueneme, Ojai, Oxnard, San Buenaventura; and the County of Ventura.
Las Virgenes – Triunfo
Treatment of wastewater.
Las Virgenes Municipal Water District, and Triunfo Sanitation District.
Los Angeles Community Choice Energy Authority
Develop and implement sustainable energy initiatives that reduce energy demand, increase energy efficiency, and advance the use of clean, efficient, and renewable resources.
The City of Camarillo.
Moorpark Dial-a-Ride
Provide bus and paratransit services.
The Cities of Moorpark and Thousand Oaks.
Moorpark Watershed, Parks, Recreation and Conservation Authority
Acquire, develop, maintain, manage and conserve additional park and open space lands and may include lands for watershed protection and restoration purposes.
Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and the City of Moorpark.
Mound Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency
Sustainable Basin management.
United Water Conservation District, City of San Buenaventura, and the County of Ventura.
Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority
Acquire, develop, and conserve park and open space lands, with special emphasis on water-oriented recreation and conservation projects.
Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and Conejo Recreation and Park District.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Implementation Agreement
Integrated stormwater discharge management.
County of Ventura, Ventura Watershed Protection District, and the Cities of Camarillo, Fillmore, Moorpark, Ojai, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, San Buenaventura, Santa Paula, Simi Valley, and Thousand Oaks.
Park/Buffer Zone
Provide for the funding, improvement and maintenance of a park/buffer zone between Home Acres and Mountain Meadows tracts.
The City of Moorpark and the County of Ventura.
Point Mugu Regional Airport Authority
Acquiring and operating the Point Mugu Regional Airport.
County of Ventura, Cities of Camarillo, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Thousand Oaks, and San Buenaventura.
Port Hueneme Water Agency
Provide members and their prospective Navy customers with an adequate and reliable supply of water.
The City of Port Hueneme, and the Channel Islands Beach Community Services District.
Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
Enhance the scientific foundation for management of Southern California’s ocean and associated coastal watershed resources.
The City of Los Angeles, Orange County Sanitation District, City of San Diego, and County Sanitation District No. 2 of Los Angeles County.
State Water Project Contractors Authority
Provide for the development and delivery of water from the State Water Project.
California public agencies that have contracts with the State of California, Department of Water Resources.
Upper Ventura River Groundwater Agency
Study, plan, develop, finance, acquire, construct, maintain, repair, manage, operate, control, and govern water supply project and exercise groundwater management authority.
Casitas Municipal Water District, City of San Buenaventura, the County of Ventura, the Meiners Oaks Water District, and the Ventura River Water District.
Ventura Council of Governments
Provide a vehicle for the entities and other interested persons, public and private entities and organizations to engage in regional, cooperative and comprehensive planning to assist the entities in the conduct of their affairs as public entities.
The Cities of Camarillo, Fillmore, Moorpark, Ojai, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, San Buenaventura, Santa Paula, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, and the County of Ventura.
Ventura County Area Housing Authority
Provide opportunities and assistance to people in need of affordable housing through development, acquisitions, and partnerships.
County of Ventura; the Cities of Camarillo, Fillmore, Moorpark, Ojai, Simi Valley, and Thousand Oaks.
Ventura County Public Financing Authority
Provide for the financing of public capital improvements.
County of Ventura, and Lake Sherwood Community Services District.
Ventura County Regional Energy Alliance
Promote energy efficiency, conservation and increased local self-reliance.
The County of Ventura; the Cities of San Buenaventura, Oxnard, Thousand Oaks, Santa Paula, Camarillo, and Fillmore; Ventura County Community College District, Ventura Regional Sanitation District, and Ventura Unified School District.
West Ventura County Waste Management Authority
Provide for solid waste handling services.
The City of Ojai, City of San Buenaventura, and the County of Ventura.
Western Riverside Council of Governments
Finance distributed generation renewable energy sources, energy and water efficiency improvements, and electric bicycle charging infrastructure.
The Cities of San Buenaventura, Camarillo, and Moorpark.
Working Agreement for Conservation
Soil and water conservation and erosion control.
Ventura County Resource Conservation District and the City of Moorpark.

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