Boundary & Sphere of Influence Maps and Municipal Service Reviews

  • Schedule for Initiating Sphere of Influence Reviews/Updates – 2023-2027 Work Plan
  • Select the checkbox for City or District to filter the listing below.
  • Click on the City or District name and you will be redirected to their respective website. 
  • Click on the MAP link to open a PDF map file of the city or district.
  • Links to Municipal Service Reviews are also available for each city or district.
  • Links to Sphere of Influence Reviews/Updates are available for cities (as of 2018) and for special districts (as of 2022). 


Operates a cemetery in the Fillmore/Bardsdale area.


Authorized to contract for extra traffic patrol, trash collection and paramedic services and provide recreation programs for the unincorporated community of Bell Canyon.


Provides library services within the City of Santa Paula and vicinity.


Provides wholesale water from Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and waste water disposal service to cities and other districts for much of the area south of the Santa Clara River.


Provides various extra health care services and related transportation services to most of the City of Camarillo and the CSUCI area.


Provides sanitary sewer collection and treatment services to the City of Camarillo and vicinity, generally west of Lewis Road.


Provides potable retail water, nonpotable/recycled water, and sanitary sewer collection and treatment services to the eastern part of the City of Camarillo, the Tierra Rejada and Santa Rosa Valleys and CSUCI.


Provides wholesale and retail water services to most of the Ojai Valley, Ventura River Valley, and the western part of the City of Ventura. Provides recreation services at Lake Casitas.


Via contract, provides retail water, sanitary sewer collection and treatment, and trash collection services to the unincorporated communities of Hollywood by the Sea and Silver Strand Beach.


Provides recreation and park services to the City of Thousand Oaks and vicinity.


Operates a public cemetery in the City of Simi Valley and vicinity.


Operates the Veterans Memorial Hall in Fillmore.


Monitors the quality and regulates the quantity of groundwater in the Fox Canyon aquifer (Oxnard Plain area from the City of Fillmore to the Pacific Ocean). Does not provide direct water service.


Provides transit services in the Cities of Ojai, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, and Ventura, and in the unincorporated County.


Provides recycled water service within the unincorporated community of Hidden Valley. Does not provide any direct water service.


Provides potable water service via wells to the unincorporated community of Meiners Oaks.


Provides wholesale water service to the Calleguas Municipal Water District.


Provides sanitary sewer collection and treatment services in the Ojai Valley and Ventura River Valley north of the City of Ventura.


Provides groundwater management through well regulation to the entire Ojai Valley east of Highway 33. Does not provide direct water service.


Monitors groundwater recharge for the Ojai Valley east of the City of Ojai. Does not provide direct water service.


Operates surface and subsurface agricultural drainage systems west of the City of Oxnard.


Operates surface and subsurface agricultural drainage systems east of the City of Oxnard.


Owns and operates the Port of Hueneme.


Operates a public cemetery in the Piru area.


Provides irrigation water to a 12,000-acre area south of the City of Camarillo on both sides of Las Posas Road between US 101 and US 1.


Provides recreation and park services to the City of Camarillo and vicinity.


Provides recreation and park services to the City of Simi Valley and vicinity.


Provides sanitary sewer collection and treatment services to the unincorporated community of Saticoy.


By contract, provides potable water to Oak Park, recycled water to Oak Park and Lake Sherwood, and sanitary sewer collection and treatment to Oak Park, Lake Sherwood, and Bell Canyon, and the Westlake Village and North Ranch portions of Thousand Oaks.


Provides: (1) services related to wholesale water provision, water treatment, agricultural water provision, groundwater management, water replenishment, and groundwater and surface water conservation throughout its service area, and (2) potable water services, wastewater services, and recreational services within the Lake Piru Recreation Area.


Provides fire protection and paramedic services for all unincorporated areas in the County and for the cities of Camarillo, Moorpark, Ojai, Port Hueneme, Simi Valley, and Thousand Oaks.


Develops plans for soil and water conservation including erosion control for all unincorporated areas in the County.


Provides private road maintenance for Camp Chafee Road in the unincorporated community of Casitas Springs.


Provides street lighting and street sweeping, school crossing guards for Oak Park Unified School District students, maintenance of roadway landscaping, public bike paths, non-structural subdivision perimeter walls and community identification markers, Community Emergency Response Team support, transportation, and volunteers-in-policing services for the unincorporated community of Oak Park.


Provides street lighting and street sweeping services to developed unincorporated areas countywide.